Awesome Hospital Forever, Page 10

Meanwhile, in 1921…

Hey.  Is it just me or does this whole thing look a little familiar?

Discussion (9) ¬

  1. monkeyknifefight

    Awesome Hospital has just gone from webcomic to cultural literature. You guys are so, so good.

  2. Undrave

    Vaudevillainy sounds evil XD.

  3. Dean

    Joe’s black eye is obviously the result of repeated custard pie impacts. Poor bastard.

  4. Matt Maybray

    Other symptoms of vaudevillainy include being made up with oversized powderpuffs and large hooks attempting to pull you off the street.

  5. Matt Maybray

    Also, I like how that doctor is chainsmoking up a storm.

  6. Darth Paul

    So, on the the next page Dr. Dirtbike is going to be shown wheeling down the hall on one of those big wheeled bikes right?

  7. billso

    “They’re called…” wait for it, wait for it…

  8. Evan Waters

    Dr. Pennyfarthing, surely.

  9. foducool

    “… using this phone number.”