Awesome Hospital Forever, Page 24

A mysterious malady striking Arthur’s pater familias?!  This story’s got more twists than a bag of curly fries!


Discussion (8) ¬

  1. Matt Maybray

    Awwww! Poor little tyke.

  2. error1

    can’t he go when he’s finished, I’m pretty sure time travel means he can go back and watch his dad get sick

  3. Matt Maybray

    Logically, yes. However, how often does anyone act in a perfectly logical fashion when they’ve been informed that a loved one is very ill?

  4. Darth Paul

    Mmmmmmm… curly fries. 😀

  5. billso

    Dr. Space Baby looks so sad!

  6. Matt Maybray

    Well, if his sister is willing to call across centuries (and those rates HAVE to be killer), it must be serious.

  7. monkeyknifefight

    I like how you guys have slowly developed Arthur’s sensitive (babyish) side. When we met him, he was a pretty snotty little tyke. I like him better now.

  8. LockeZ

    To the dystopian future! It took a week longer than I thought.