Anarchy in the OR, Page 4

And so, Anarchy in the O.R. comes to its thundering conclusion!  What crisis will our newly minted Doctor Punk Rock be facing at Awesome Hospital?  Stay tuned to find out!

Once again, the staff here at AH wants to give a huge thank you to guest artist JoJo Seames for stepping into to tell the story!  If you want to see more from JoJo, and we know you do, check out Monster Plus every Wednesday, brought to you by the Action Age!

Discussion (5) ¬

  1. avatar

    It makes absolute sense that Nurse Punk Rock would graduate to Doctor. Because that’s not how it works in real life, but you know what? It would be more awesome if it worked that way, so naturally it works that way at Awesome Hospital.

  2. alwayslurking

    “Hey. Ho Ho Ho. Let’s go!”

  3. ABS

    Dr Kringle is the one who determines whether someone is Awesome Board Certified.

  4. Kyronic


  5. Zarchne

    There was maybe a missed opportunity here. In real life, Nurse Cindy would likely have become Nurse Practitioner Cindy Punkrock. In many states, nurse practitioners are licensed to practice (including writing prescriptions) independent of physician oversight. Although they usually work in outpatient clinics and do not have hospital privileges, that decision would be up to the hospital. In Ms. Punkrock’s case, it would be the goosesteppers in the Board of Nursing who would be threatening to revoke her license. Giving mid-level providers (nurse practitioners and physician assistants) appropriate autonomy is a important component in strategies to reduce health-care costs.