Malignant, Page 22

Discussion (7) ¬

  1. Jon Hex

    I think you’re a real comic when you solve problems with the help of giant space librarians. Also, how did Dr. Dirtbike get back to Earth? Boomtube or Boomhalfpike?

  2. Chad Bowers

    He and Judith both returned via off-panel DOORPEDO!

    Next question.

  3. Matt Maybray

    Dr. Mexican Wrestler is treating a Bizarro, while Dr. Bulldog-on-a-skateboard appears to be treating Lana Lang’s Insect Queen identity. That’s awesome.

  4. monkeyknifefight

    No atmosphere! NOW i get it!!! Hahaha!

  5. hobotron

    Only half related: I think one of the best dialogue concepts would be a Bizarro speaking sarcastically.

  6. robcat

    Now THAT”S a crisis!

  7. Darth Paul

    The Bizarro patient is the best part. Also, way to go with the technobabble!