Awesome Hospital Forever, Page 11

The last thing we want to do at Awesome Hospital is bring our readers down, but in the real world, medical emergencies aren’t as fun as the ones we create for our comic. Fortunately, unlike our goofy stories, you can help.

Our thoughts go out to to the people of Japan for the ongoing disaster resulting from the earthquake and tsunami, and we would encourage our readers to donate to the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders in order to help the relief effort.

Discussion (7) ¬

  1. Jay Potts

    It doesn’t bring us down, because I’m sure it’s on everybody’s mind anyway (and probably will be for some time.) Commendable to mention the ongoing relief efforts and just highlights another way you guys are awesome.

  2. Hollandof

    Dr. Adventure!
    Yes! I think he may be my favorite so far.

  3. monkeyknifefight

    Reading AH again after the Japan disaster reminds me of the episode of SNL they did right after 9/11. Mayor Giuliani was the host. Will Ferrell asked him, “Rudy, is it ok to be funny?”

    Giuliani replied, “Why start now?”

  4. JoJo Seames

    Absolutely gorgeous. Well done, Matt. I especially like the shadows on the mummy wrappings.
    And the deco-style captions are really nice.

    Also, Dr. Adventure? Nurse Flapper? Too cool!

  5. Undrave

    Doctor Adventure! Most Excellent!

    As for Japan I already participated in the ‘Super Hero Time’ initiative 😀 some of us geeks got together and we’re sending funds directly to the japanese Red Cross.

    We’re up to 4 800$ as of this posting 😀

  6. Darth Paul

    Well, the inspiration for Dr. Adventure, is a doctor. Way cool.

  7. Ted

    Please tell me that’s the mummy from the opening of Jonny Quest. I love Awesome Excellent Hospital so very much!