Awesome Hospital Forever, Page 46

Discussion (6) ¬

  1. Mr. Patenge

    “Slow down, I’m not used to walking this much!” Definitely had me cracking up. I really hope one of the Dr. Dirtbike Clones becomes a reoccurring character.

  2. JimB

    You guys are doing a great job! Its totally been worth the wait.

  3. billso

    You can check out any time you like…

  4. Vonice

    Just found out about the strip, and reat the whole thing! Keep up the awesome-hospital-ness!

  5. Darth Paul

    “Timebulace” Awesome! :-)

  6. Jenny Creed

    Hey, Dirtbike, you may be rad as a cold fusion reactor in the OR, maybe even K-rad, but you just found out you were going to be a daddy what, like a week ago, you should expect to be a little rattled.

    (Yes I assume everything else that’s happened in the comic is business as usual in the Awesomeverse.)