Awesome Hospital Nights:  The Finale

And that’s the double-sized finale of The Corpse Rode Switch! Thanks to Sheli Hay for filling in on art chores for this arc, and if you’d like to see more from her, check out her site!

Wer’e taking Thursday off to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday, but next week, Matt Digges returns to draw and plot a very special story!  We’ll see you there!

Discussion (14) ¬

  1. monkeyknifefight

    This page has:

    1. Paul’s awesome crazed expression in panel one
    2. A side-by-side stunt sequence that rivals the SNES classic Uniracers
    3. An inspiring message re: hard work, practice, and determination
    4. A final line that can only be described as hilariawesome.

    I should pay you for letting me read this comic. And Sheli, you’ve won me over. Sorry for resisting at first.

  2. billso

    No McTwist ending. Just a perfectly executed suborbital Whipper Snapper by a talking doctor-detective-bulldog. That was sweet.

  3. Tim C

    My favorite AH story yet.

  4. Hydrogen Guy

    Awesome. Just awesome.

  5. Jeremy Henderson

    That dog broke the fourth wall and winked at me!

    Did anyone else see that?!

  6. Mathew Digges

    Bravo, Sheli. Bravo.

  7. Peter N. Trinh

    This is the best world ever!

  8. Ken

    That last page, Sheli?


  9. Leroy Hart

    Thanks for the GREAT artwork for a great story, Sheli! Keep it up team! These comics make my mornings!

  10. DktrAgonizer

    This was awesome, I loved it! Great work, Sheli! =D

  11. Sheli

    Awwww shucks guys. You’re making me blush.

  12. Brad

    This wrapped up hell of nicely, with all that is great in one page. Ms Hay has just destroyed my universe in one page.

  13. Darth Paul

    Now, that was an awesome detective story! 😎

  14. Kyran "Kyronic" Sawhill

    It has a moral message and a cheesy (but awesome) one-liner (two, if you count the alt text). I’m so glad I found this awesome comic.