Malignant, Page 18

I know what I’m going to pick up the next time I’m at my grocer’s freezer:

Discussion (18) ¬

  1. Scott

    Wait, are those little guys also Dr. Superhero?!

  2. Koosbing

    Dr. Scott of Polite Dissent will be mad at you getting the head mirror wrong, though I suppose you are following a long standing comic tradition.

  3. Chris Sims

    Dr. Scott of Polite Dissent will be mad at you getting the head mirror wrong, though I suppose you are following a long standing comic tradition.

    Check the alt text, Action Agent! Also, we figure it adds a touch of authenticity.

  4. John

    Clearly those little guys were emitted out of his hands in a “between the panels” moment

  5. Dean

    Awesome Hospital employs some of America’s foremost miniature oncologists.

  6. Jago

    Is that a spitcurl in the head mirror? Or am I just really trying to see more amazing things?

  7. billso

    Silver Age, represent!

  8. Ryan S.

    Best. Homage. Ever.

  9. Mazinja

    … wait, that guy in yellow with black hair. Is… is that Bruce Lee?

  10. Chad Bowers

    It would certainly be awesome if he was, wouldn’t it, Mazinja?

  11. Matt Maybray

    The little guys are clearly from a Bottle City, or something.

  12. Joe

    Alt text = instant win.

  13. Jenny Creed

    I’m going to pretend Alan Moore wrote an introduction to Dr. Superhero, explaining that “He’s not really called Doctor Superhero at all”. :3

    But anyway, I’m not sure what’s going on. Doctor Superhero is drunk on icecream? Worrying.

  14. Matt Maybray

    I’m surprised no one’s commented on Jackie O down there in the corner….

  15. Jon Hex

    @Matt Maybray That’s Fat Lois.

  16. monkeyknifefight

    This comic is starting to take on mythological proportions. It’s also making me think that DC really was better than Marvel. Sigh…so much money wasted on issues of Spawn…

  17. McCormick

    This IS a pretty awesome development. But I have to wonder if the Big Guys are going to sue you for their trademarked term. I guess as long as it’s just within the text and not a spin-off product…?

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