Malignant, Page 19

Discussion (13) ¬

  1. Jon Hex

    His name is Curt. Of course.
    Does Dr. Superhero has Stracynski’s disease?

  2. hobotron

    With the emphasis on the “bud” in “buddy,” I can’t help but read that line as being spoken by Brak.

  3. Joe

    And when I see that intonation, I assume we might have a Dr. Weasel on the staff. Free the Mahi Mahi.

  4. Wes

    I want boots like Dr. Guitar Solo’s.

  5. Jim

    Are those the Comedian’s boots from Watchmen?

  6. Richy

    @hobotron: I was reading it more like Stewie talking to Brian; however, I think your idea works better!

  7. Sean

    Dr Guitar Solo rrrawks!

  8. Phill

    Jon Hex- Maybe Stracynski’s Malaise?

  9. Dr. Jeff

    Perhaps Dr. Superhero just needs to take a walk across the country. You know, get back in touch with the people.

  10. Hollando

    hilariously, (but oh, so much pain…) I read the intonated “buddy” as exactly the way Pauly Shore would say it.

  11. Jimmy Jazz

    Oh no, oh noooo… ooohohoh noo.

  12. aequitas

    I do not see this going well. At all.

    At least it should be entertaining.

  13. Dr Superhero

    I just googled my nickname Dr. Superhero and look at this. My Burningman nickname has been Dr. Superhero since 2003!!