Medical Difficulties

Sorry, everybody — due to unforseen circumstances, Awesome Hospital has to take a brief break this week.  Hopefully we’ll be back on schedule next Tuesday, but until then, please enjoy this pin-up of Dr. Caveman by Matt Digges

Discussion (7) ¬

  1. Colt

    I really like that effect, where the line-art in the background has a lower saturation/contrast than that of the foreground. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen that done in such a way before.

  2. Miff

    In my mind, he finally ends up asking Dr. Space Baby to open it. He has no trouble with the child cap whatsoever.

  3. Fawnzie

    Either that or he gets his club and smashes it to pieces out of anger.

  4. robcat

    This is Weakler’s fault! The bastards!

  5. LaughingTarget

    Poor Dr. Caveman, hasn’t evolved opposable thumbs yet.

  6. Joe

    Hope all is well.

    BTW. Love Dr. Caveman.

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